Consulte os conteúdos disponíveis, para o apoio ao desenvolvimento do utilizador CTime.A leitura dos Manuais é essencial para conhecer os módulos do sistema CTimeMS
Step by step to consolidate Bill of Quantities from several Excel files and sheets into a single file using CTimeMS
Step by step for creating Automated Subcontract Quantity Maps using CTimeMS.
Step by step to create multiple emails to subcontractors, simultaneously, using CTimeMS.
Step by step to transfer prices between two quantity maps with different settings, using CTimeMS.
Creation and configuration of user profiles
Installation of the System. License renewal. Version upgrade. SQLite ODBC driver installation. User access.
- Consolidation of all budgets in an SQL database. - High capacity and flexibility in calculating ratios (total or partial). - Fast and reliable estimates for tenders, based on average, minimum or maximum ratios for similar projects. - Real-time validation of estimates being prepared. - Comparison of budgets/versions of a proposal. - 360º vision of a budget, through the simultaneous and automatic processing of all the tables required. - Facilitators of the budget optimisation process through special analyses. - Commercial Dashboard o Flexible rotating cube of information.
- Rapid consolidation in a single file of bills of quantities that are spread across several workbooks, and or, sheets. - Automatic write-back of the tender bid rates (sell rates) to the client file(s). - Handling of non-conforming bill schedules.
- Cash Flow calculation and optimization. o Multi-project / multi-review / multi-currency. o NPV (Net Present Value) analysis. o Split receipts/payments. o Retention and retention payments. Advance payments and paybacks. o Finance loans and related charges. o VAT payments and retentions. o Specific collection and payment deadlines. o Currency Exchange rate factors.
- Transfer of rates from subcontractor propsal files into the original Candy schedules that allow direct import into the Subcontract Adjudicators. - Transfer of Candy data into Excel files to pre-defined structures. - Facilitates communication of data to ERP's.
- Automatic sending of personalised mail to subcontractors and suppliers, and control of their submissions. - Statistical analysis of quotation requests and replies obtained. - Possibility of automatic archiving in Outlook folders.
- Simultaneous and automatic processing of quotation requests to Excel files, of multiple subcontracts, saved in a dedicated enquiry folder. - Possibility of includsion of explanatory notes and item descriptions in twin idoms. - Direct import into Candy comparison charts.
- Creation of files detailed rate breakdown sheets, to client-specified formats. o Dual-currency output option. o Item and auxiliary breakdown sheets (i.e. complex resource breakdowns). - Processing of estimates with macro price codes. - Possibility of capture of variables. o Number of machines; operating/standing times. o Number of people. Average transport distances. o Production yields.
How can you save time and increase your productivity with CTimeMS?
How to transfer prices between two Excel files (bill of quantities)?
How to send, at the same time, the e-mails for the subcontracts enquiry?
How to create all the bills of quantities for the various subcontractors, in a single process?
How to merge several files, in one Excel sheet, to import into Candy?