How can we assist to clarify your questions?
Because we are a team trusted by countless companies around the world. At Timelink, more than providing solutions, we guarantee results.
We are mainly Civil Engineers with many years of experience in the Construction Management market and have been working with the Candy System since 1990. In addition to our vast knowledge of this sector, we guarantee technical assistance using various means of communication. We provide training, both on-site and online, so that our users feel supported and constantly evolve to increase their productivity.
We are based in Portugal with an office in Cascais and a permanent staff member in Porto.
Since 1990, we have been supporting our partners, in various countries in different continents, by supplying the latest software tools, technology and support.
Yes, at Timelink, we treat your questions as if they were our own. As such, we strive to answer all your questions in a timely manner and with the utmost dedication. In order to provide you with all the necessary assistance, we have several means of communication available, from telephone to remote assistance tools. We also provide support material, including manuals and technical notes, for our users to analyse and clarify all their questions.
- The Candy system was developed specifically for the construction market and has tools that allow you to exponentially and reliably increase the production of estimates with greater accuracy and fewer calculation errors. These estimatess can be quickly duplicated for new jobs, saving the user a great deal of time.
- The Candy system can also produce rigorous analysis reports, allowing greater control of estimates and the execution of the contracts, resulting in cost savings and greater profitability.
- Being a fully integrated system, it provides a dynamic connection of the various modules (Budgeting, Planning, Production Control, etc.), consolidating all the information in a single system. It allows a greater flexibility of analysis, in the different phases of the project, with the immediate availability of data and other essential information for decision making.
No. However, when you use our services at Timelink, we provide our users with a number of databases, with many prices already included, that can be added to the Candy System job library. All databases are dynamic, meaning that multiple jobs can be used as the database for a new job to be carried out, ensuring greater flexibility and updating of prices from tender to tender.
The Candy System has an initial registration fee cost for each license aquired, and a monthly rental fee, that may vary from country to country. Please contact our team for more information at
The licence to use the Candy System includes access to all modules. The modules cannot be made available separately.
When you purchase the Candy System you are not buying the software, you are purchasing a licence to use it. This licence has a minimum period of one month which is automatically renewable upon payment of the monthly fee. However, it is possible to renew for longer periods.
Yes, you can download the Candy System free of charge from the "Downloads" menu. We can then install a demonstration work and a temporary user licence valid for 30 days. This license has no limitations on access to the modules and is only valid for new users.
Yes, licenses can be Local (installed only on the user's computer) or Network (installed on the company server). Network licenses are concurrent and may have several accesses. In other words, a network license may be accessed by several users. However, only the number of users according to the number of installed accesses may have simultaneous access.
Yes, there are several manuals and user guides (in Portuguese, English and Spanish) for the different modules and we provide technical notes for specific functionalities of the software.
Yes, we offer one enrolment for the Introductory Course to Candy Estimating for each licence that is purchased. This course will be held subject to availability and scheduling between our trainers and a minimum of trainees.
Yes. From 15 days before the expiration date, the software generates a warning message each day informing of the update requirement and provides an upadating link. You can update to the latest version in the system itself. If you have any questions on how to proceed, please contact our technical services.
To ensure that all users keep their software up to date and use the latest version with improved functions, this system must be updated after some time.
None. All information that is created by the user remains on the computer or server even if the version of the Candy System has not been updated. In this case you should contact our technical support to update the version.
Can the information from the Candy System, extracted to Excel files, be used by third parties or can can the exported data only be used by the user of the computer where Candy is installed?
Toda a informação de cada Trabalho, pode ser exportada para ficheirosExcel, conforme se encontre visível nos documentos de trabalho e/ou nos relatórios que sejam elaborados. Esta informação pode ser utilizada por qualquer pessoa a quem se disponibilize o ficheiro.
CTime was developed to meet some needs and demands of the construction market, for both Estimating and for the Operational Production Control processes. With CTime, we guarantee a reduction of working hours in repetitive and time-consuming tasks, and a significant improvement in the analysis of proposals, through:
- a consolidação de inúmeros ficheiros e folhasExcel, do cliente, num só ficheiro para importar para o Sistema Candy, numa questão de poucos minutos ou até mesmo em segundos;
- envio automático de vários e-mails, em simultâneo, para os respectivos subempreiteiros e fornecedores, com templates já predefinidos;
- elaboração de relatórios de análise e avaliação de viabilidade das diferentes propostas, antes da execução do orçamento;
- a more specialised Management Control, increasing not only the user's productivity but also his profitability.
Not necessarily. CTime is composed of two independent subsystems, CTimeMS and CTimeBI. Both systems are marketed separately, according to our clients' needs.
O CTime encontra-se dividido em dois subsistemas distintos: CTimeMS e CTimeBI
O CTimeMS, dedicado para a área da Orçamentação, é comercializado em 3 pacotes distintos, com acesso a diferentes funcionalidades. Os preços de cada pacote, podem ser consultados, na área de cliente, no menu CTimeMS, clicando em "Comprar".
CTimeBI, dedicated to the Production Management and Control area, is commercialised via a contract signed between Timelink and the User. Its price depends on the specific tasks and needs of each client.
For more information please contact us at:
Yes, our team is available to assist you, and can be reached via the contacts published on thi site. We also provide manuals and technical notes on how the system works and on its features, so you can get the most out of it.
Yes, with exceptions, the licenses can be Local (installed only on the user's computer) or Network (installed on the company server).
The network licenses are concurrent, allowing the number of simultaneous accesses that are contracted.
As regards hardware and recommended software, the Candy System runs on Windows 10/11 and indows Server 2012 or higher (32 and 64 bit), and it is advisabe that the latest service packs are installed. Moreover, the minimum requirements for PC hardware are normally exceeded by any new computer that is currently available for purchase on the market today. Notwithstanding this, they are the following:
- Intel dual core 2 GHz i3 processor or equivalent
- 4 GB memory system
- 120 GB hard disk with at least 5 GB available space
- Video card and monitor that supports a resolution of 1366 x 768 or higher
- Microsoft .NET 4.0
- Internet access (for support, system updates and licensing)
However, in order to obtain the best results with the QTO4 module for extracting measurements from 2D drawing files, we recommend the following minimum hardware characteristics:
- Intel 7th generation i5 processor or equivalent
- RAM - 4GB DDR3 system memory
- At least 300MB of free hard disk space is required for the installation of this module
- Graphics adapter
o 2D Measurements - Intel 7th Generation Integrated graphics HD Graphics P4600 or higher or similar
- Internet access (for support, system updates and licensing)
Yes. However, there are configurations (such as some file caching) that will cause Candy data files to be corrupted. Also, insufficient server power or insufficient network and or internet bandwidth can make many Candy features unworkable.
No, Candy is a standalone application. However, data can be stored on a file server. Multi-user access to data is achieved through file locking provided by the local operating system.
Time to Learn is an area of, that has content, dedicated to our clients and construction professionals. User manuals, technical notes and suggested use of the diverse functionalities of the available systems are publihed, with the objective of adding value and increasing the productivity of the users of these systems.
The reserved area is only available to clients with a registered account. In this area, you will find specific and more in-depth content, for additinal support and using our products more sucessfully.
If you are our client and already registered, please contact us at +351 214 866 440
Yes, Timelink conducts training courses, in person and online, for users who need to acquire new skills with our solutions. If you are interested you can contact us and indicate your presence for the next available date.
The face-to-face courses are held with a minimum number of participants. As such, there are no fixed dates for their realization. Whenever there is a minimum number of interested people, a new course is opened. The courses are held in Porto and Cascais.
Online courses are held by appointment and availability with the respective trainer and are limited to a smaller number of participants than face-to-face courses.
For more information, please contact us at
No. We have more advanced courses for users who already work with our solutions and want to deepen their knowledge and the functionalities of the systems.
The presence courses can vary between one or two days (4h, 8h or 16h), according to the desired training. Online courses, can be taken in shorter time intervals and over more days.
Mediante o curso pretendido, estes poderão apresentar diferentes valores, incluindo diferentes valores para inscrições individuais e inscriçõescorporate(dois ou mais participantes).
For more information, please contact us at