
O CTimeBI é uma aplicação desenvolvida pela Timelink, de apoio ao Sistema Candy, para a área de Controlo de Produção e que interliga a informação do Candy com qualquer ERP, das empresas.

Através de diferentes tabelas, gráficos dinâmicos e com os diferentes indicadores de performance, imprescindíveis para uma melhor avaliação, esteBusiness Intelligenceé utilizado na consolidação de dados de todos os projectos seleccionados, transformando-os em informação de gestão.


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The experience of our partners

The CTimeBI is the ideal tool to meet the needs of any construction company, as it generates financial and non-financial information for the decision process, provides data for systems that support management, and thus supports the entire management process, (...).
Manuel Matos Lima
Tâmega Group
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Quer saber como o CTimeBI pode transformar o seu negócio?

Contact us and find out how we can help you improve the management and control of your works and obtain more profitable results

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  • Consolide os dados dos seus projectos nos diversos níveis de consolidação disponibilizados.
    Exemplo : Área Geográfica, Gestor, Tipo de Obra, (...)
  • Controle os seus projectos com o detalhe adequado:
    Local de Obra , Tarefa , Família de Natureza , Natureza e Recurso.
  • Control of income, costs and margins.
  • Control Values, Quantities and Prices in a 360º perspective
  • Analyse the data for the period, in cumulative and final projections, over time.
  • Set alert levels for faster problem detection.
  • Analyse the past timeously, and project the future sustainably with dynamically updated information.
  • Review the information from previous periods with a click of the mouse.
  • Enjoy the unrestricted power, flexibility and speed of analysis of Excel's Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.
  • Automatically create reports in word or pdf format.
  • Automatically send reports to the respective responsible parties via Outlook.

What do you get with CTimeBI?

Os dados apresentados de forma clara, inequívoca e rápida.

A Gestão na Construção envolve uma grande quantidade de informação fundamental, para garantir a sustentabilidade e a rentabilidade de qualquer obra.

É essencial que essa informação seja de fácil acesso e apresentada de acordo com as suas necessidades. Através de inúmeros gráficos parametrizáveis, tabelas em formatoPivot Tablese relatórios para as diferentes áreas de análise, imprescindíveis para uma boa gestão de obra, o CTimeBI apresenta diversas funcionalidades específicas que facilitam, significativamente, os processos para melhores decisões e maior rentabilidade, em qualquer área da Construção.

Efectua o controlo orçamental com o detalhe pretendido, ao nível de valores, quantidades e preços unitários, numa perspectiva de 360° e uma gestão de projectos de construção a 4D. Além de uma análise rigorosa do passado, efectua uma projecção fundamentada do futuro, possibilitando decisões sustentadas em tempo útil.

Control Panel

In a simple visualisation, you get a quick and comprehensive overview of the current situation, in value and %, at company, and or: project group, project, cost, revenue and margin level

Accumulated amounts and period amounts

Analyse and compare planned, forecast, actual and projected amounts.

  • The PPI (Production Performance Index), assesses the degree of execution of planned production.
  • The CPI (Cost Performance Index), assesses the value of the actual costs against the value of forecasted costs for the work performed.

Final Amounts

Compare the Tender Budget with the Production Budget (intial production target / revised production budget).

Follow the trend of the dynamically updated Final Projection against the Production Budget, to the desired level of detail.


Follow the trends of the payments, and or, receipts


  • Compare the target, forecast, actual and projected quantities (for the remaining work).
  • Analyse the temporal distribution of the projected quantities.
  • Immediately establish the impact of the variation of the quantities, on the cumulative variance to date, in value and percentage.
  • Leverage financial gains in resource purchases, by consolidated analysis of the resource requirements across multiple projects.


Visualise the to-date actual and the projected future of your project(s), both graphically and numerically.

Adjustments / Accruals

  • Follow the development of the accruals/adjustments, to costs and revenue, that have been considered on the project(s).
  • Analyse the impact that the accruals (i.e. adjustments) have on the project and consolidated projects

Margins and percentage complete

  • Compare the profitabilities of the tender budget, the initial production budget, the revised forecast budget, and the to-date actual with final projection (the predicted budget).
  • Monitor the progress of the percentage of completion of the project or of consolidated projects.
  • Compare the recognised result with the result considering percentage of completion.

Cost to Income Ratio

Compare the target budget ratio with the actual to date plus projected (remaining) ratios by project or for consolidated projects.


Obtain costs and invocing data by project or for consolidated projects [i.e. actual values at date (ERP) + projected values (Candy)]

Under and over invoicing

  • Track the historic trends of each project's under/over billing, with detail down to item level.
  • Evaluate the monthly financial impact on each project or for a group of projects.


  • Track the amounts awarded to subcontractors, as well as the amounts due for work carried out and the amounts due for invoicing by the subcontractors.
  • Assess any amounts of under/over invoicing of subcontractors by project or by consolidated projects.
  • Compare the total amount due to subcontractors with the corresponding amount invoiced to the client.
  • Monthly review of the amount of the subcontract work still to be awarded against the final expected amount of subcontract work.

Remaining works - Open and Closed items

  • Track the trends of the value of the project that is considered to be"closed", and the inherent degree of risk of variation to the final projected amount.
  • Identify the activities and items and their values that remain "open".

Remaining work - Items with negative margin

Identify items where the is a projected negative margin for work to be performed, and or, invoiced for a loss.

Unapproved Variation Orders

  • Monitor the tends of the proposals for additional work awaiting approval, as well as the amounts involved (costs, revenues and expected margins).
  • Evaluate the theoretical costs and revenues of the additional work already carried out but not approved, as well as the trend in this regard.
  • Analyse the impact of these values on each project and for consolidated projects.

We are available to help

We clarify all the questions on how you can obtain a faster, more efficient and profitable methodolgy for Production Control and Management of your project(s).

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Implementing CTimeBI

If you are interested in implementing CTimeBI in your company, please contact us to schedule a meeting.



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