Contact us and schedule a demo with Timelink to familiarize yourself with the software in a "guided" way. Then the structure of the Candy System will make a lot of sense to you: how its modules are built and how all the areas are interconnected. In particular you will understand how Candy can help you get the results you are looking for.
Try out the software, without being afraid of damaging a job, and test the different features so that questions can arise.
Can you learn by yourself? Yes, perhaps. But is it worth the effort and dedicating so much time to starting out on an unknown path? Training helps you go faster, methodically and adapted to your speed and technical knowledge. It is the most appropriate way to start learning, because it is training in your specific area of work, with professionals who have a broad knowledge of the Construction Management sector.
Inicie rapidamente um novo trabalho com o Sistema Candy e promova a prática dos conceitos adquiridos.
Sem a prática o conhecimento desvanece.Só com algum exercício ou uma constante revisão de novos procedimentos, é que poderá ser mais rápido e ágil a utilizar qualquer software. A experiência aliada ao conhecimento, levam qualquer utilizador Candy para um nível avançado muito rapidamente, uma vez que é um software considerado intuitivo e fácil de usar, depois de adquiridos alguns conhecimentos técnicos básicos sobre o sistema. Verá que a sua curva de aprendizagem é exponencial.
Search, proactively, on Timelink's website, in the articles available in the Time to Learn area and in the area reserved for customers, in the various online channels where a lot of information is available. It is at your fingertips and in various formats. On the RIBCCS site you can find content in English, from webinars, videos, tips and much more.
Didn't find what you were looking for? Want to know more about a feature?
Do not hesitate to contact us. Your questions and challenges are also ours.
Do you have a question? Don't keep it. Share it. Don't give up or "procrastinate" for lack of time... Contact Timelink Technical Support by email, through the online platforms, or give a consultant a call. The answer to your question may show you new features and faster ways to use Candy. Did you know that for almost every Candy function, there is more than one way to get the same result?
Durante o ano, todos os dias, poderia aprender uma nova funcionalidade do Candy. Para ser mais prático e ajudar a poupar tempo, seleccionámos algumas Notas Técnicas (TechNotes),com temas mais comuns e com funções usadas com maior regularidade, que acreditamos que sejam úteis no seu dia-a-dia. Assim, se esta funcionalidade lhe interessar, pode rever o procedimento ou até mesmo ficar a conhecer uma nova maneira de utilizar, mais eficazmente, o Candy. Poderá ainda ler os manuais disponibilizados nas nossas formações e no site da Timelink.
You can also learn a lot from Candy's Help Button, which is located in the upper right corner of every document, every column heading, or every function in a menu.